The New Year’s Crop

02 Jan

To celebrate the first day of the New Year, seeds were broadcast over the freshly completed Hugelkultur. Not in a position to be particular, but certainly adventurous, we’re striving for a polyculture mulch cover and signs of life. Today I broadcast Red clover, Arugula, Little finger carrot, Bronze mignonette lettuce, Plum purple radish, Rapini, Russian red kale, and American spinach seeds in the Southwest corner bed.

If the seeds survive the birds, the sprouts will be tasty morsels for rabbits. If the sprouts aren’t discovered by rabbits, the wild pigs or a gaggle of turkeys may get lucky. If the pigs and turkeys miss out, the coyote and deer won’t be far behind. Provided the wildlife stay clear, the humans may be tempted for a forage and run. If the humans decide to leave it alone, the bugs and weather may have their way by spring. Let’s hope for the opportunity to savor the fruits of our labor.

1 Comment

Posted by on January 2, 2010 in Eden's Landing Garden


One response to “The New Year’s Crop

  1. themouthofbabes

    January 5, 2010 at 2:21 am

    ..and you wonder why how our food stays so cheap? Or rather why in order for food to stay so cheap we have to subsidize the farmer, right?

    That’s a lot of potential for calamities to happen there!


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