Tag Archives: reduce

Settling in to the New Digs

There are adjustments to be made when choosing to reduce one’s living space by half. I readily admit, we have chosen the path we are on, though that doesn’t make it any easier to choose which things to keep, give away, sell, or retire. To be honest, we have temporarily rented a 10’x10′ storage shed to help with the transition. Everything that doesn’t fit in the Beach Bungalow, but we’re unable to part with at the moment, has a temporary home in the shed until further determination. It’s not ideal, but whatever…I’m simply not ready to pare my life down to 100 things or less.

Bohemian Beach Bungalow
Bohemian Beach Bungalow – 750 sq. ft.

I realized the other day that if I combine the summers I spent in this house as a child and the seven years I lived here previously as an adult, I will have lived in this house longer than any other house I’ve occupied. That seems strange to me since I still think of this place as my Grandparents’. There are the things I love about this house & neighborhood and there are the things I hate. I know, hate is a strong word, but it’s true.

First for the hate. I hate the concrete floor. I used to love it. Now…not so much. It’s hard on your feet, your back, your knees. It’s not forgiving to your body.  I hate the sandspurs. Sandspurs on the concrete floor is an unexpected eye-poppingly painful experience. I hate the size of our street waste bin. It’s gigantuous and the wheels already fell off. We barely have any household garbage, so it seems silly to have such a giant can, though as I look up and down the street, I see a multitude of gigantuous cans overflowing with garbage; evidence of our throw-away society.

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Posted by on October 21, 2010 in Bohemian Beach Bungalow, DIY


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